I’ve been working on the new Dinerdate this past week (finally!), and I’ve become dissatisfied with the lettering font I’m using. So I’ve been looking at other fonts, but there are only a few that I really like. So I’d like to hear your input, dear reader, on what you think is the best font choice.
I’ve narrowed it down to 3 choices (or two really, excluding the font I already use):
Blambot Casual
A nice font that has served me faithfully for the last few years. But it’s just too condensed.
Another cartoonist favourite.
My personal favourite so far, based on the handwriting of Danish cartoonist Henrik Rehr. It’s very legible and looks really nice.
Any thoughts? Suggestions? Let me know.
Hmm, the first one indeed looks most familiar and Diner-Date-y to me, but if you have your doubts about it you probably should go for one of the others.
The Rehr one seems best indeed; Digitalstrip reminds me of manga a bit.
Killer drawing, by the way o_o! I actually know where that is :P!