Short answer: Yes.
I’ve been bringing my new Cybershot to school with me (as if lugging my heavy laptop around wasn’t enough), so I’m shooting snaps left and right. Here’s a little selection for your viewing displeasure(about the fact you didn’t go to a college as cool as THIS ONE!)
These 3 are from introduction camp a few weeks ago. We had a great time hanging out,
playing games,
quaffing beverages and enjoying the ‘scenery’. And I even met the Dutch Hyde (That 70’s Show, dontchaknow) in the process.
Here’s a few more snaps of my fellow students fooling around in our building.
Working on our first project in a lounge corner.
Arthur, Bram and Jesus(aka Marc) playing some Smash Melee.
Class hanging out in the ‘stardock'(those XPS’es do kinda look like spaceships, don’t they?), waiting for the power to come back on after the second outing in half an hour…
Paul and Eric demonstrating the classic Japanese schoolgirl pose.
More coming soon.
gotver, ik kan mezelf zien!! hehe
Godverdomme kerel, waarom zit ik op deze shit hier in ‘t noorden 😛
Omdat Hilversum een schijteind weg is 😛 maar zoek ff uit of je die rare deal kan truuken om volgend jaar hierheen te komen. We got room, de eerste dropout is al een feit…
Eerste drop out? Whuuut…