
So last week was Indigo, the first Dutch indie game developer conference, and I was there with Monkeybizniz, finally demoing the game we’d been working on during my internship.

Friday evening was great, and we already got a lot of good responses to the game, including from our client! Met a bunch of interesting people aswell. Basically everybody who’s anybody in the (Dutch) gaming industry shows up to these events.

On saturday the show was also open to the public. But trouble loomed as we were setting up in the morning:

Some last-minute fixes by Dimme last night had broken the engine, so we had to to some quick troubleshooting. But luckily we got everything in order quite quickly. After that it was smooth sailing, and we had some good traffic during the day. Biggest surprise was that save one or two people, everybody who started on the demo actually finished it. That’s good news for us – we must be doing something right!

In the afternoon I left the booth in the care of my colleagues and toured the expo with a friend. There were a lot of interesting games to see – a labroscopy simulator on the Wii, and multiplayer version of Scrabble and Chime, a very good-looking adventure game based on Christian stories, and for us perhaps the game of the show: Jimmy Pataya, the skydiving extravaganza on iPhone from Paladin Studios.

I really enjoyed Indigo, got to see lots of interesting games and meet lots of interesting people. Already looking forward to next year!

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