This is a weekly recap of the goings-on in my professional life – to keep track of what I’m doing and to give you a peek at what it’s like being an independent creative.
Last week I branched out a bit and did some video editing for a friend’s relative. She breeds show dogs and wanted a showreel for a new dog she got. I wasn’t initially keen to do it but it paid and upon further inspection didn’t seem like too much work, and I’m glad I accepted, because it was a nice example of how you can make someone really happy with something you made. With two hours of work that were in equal parts productive for me learning how to use Premiere Pro and the video getting made the woman was almost moved to tears. It reminds you that your work doesn’t always have to be high art in order to have people enjoy it. It’s something that you forget sometimes.
On tuesday we launched the webgame I’ve been making assets for the past few weeks. It took a while to sink in that it was really done now but it seems to be doing well, with the creations in the gallery blowing up exponentially every day.
You can check it out at
Strengthened by the boost of energy from completing things, I worked on my Fawlty Towers project the rest of the week. Working on games creates its own motivation because you engage your brain on so many fronts – visual, logical, problem solving. At some points I felt my mental capacity stretched to its maximum by trying to remember the structure between five open scripts and what I was trying to achieve across all of them; it’s a feeling I haven’t felt in a while.
On thursday I tagged along with my girlfriend to her admittance exam for an art school in Utrecht. It felt nice to be back in that kind of atmosphere. Even the wi-fi connected automatically because the password was still somewhere deep in my iPhone from my own time there. There was a sense of solidarity that you don’t soon find outside of an art school setting. But at the same time I was glad I could walk out of there at the end of the day and get back to doing my own thing.
At the same time as working on the Fawlty Towers game I’m trying to build the same thing in Unity using Adventure Creator. I can’t give enough props to Chris who works tirelessly on making it an awesome plugin, and I finally got things to the point where I feel I can do the same things with it as I can in Adventure Game Studio (although not as fast). It’s an exciting prospect to be working resolution-independently and cross-platform soon.